Dollar Store Items
- Work Gloves
- Disposable Gloves
- Sewing kit
- Batteries
- Lighter
- Toe nail clippers
- Hair ties
- Hand sanitizer
- Baking soda
- Wash clothes
- Tissues
- Emergency candles
- Flashlights
- Scissors
- 1st aid kit
- Hot cocoa
- Salmon pouch
- Tuna pouch
- Spam pouch
- Gum (Don't get mint!)
- Plastic cups
- Toothbrushes
- Individual packs of peanuts
- Water
- Small toys
- Crayons
- Puzzles
- Small bibles
- Small notebook
- Mechanical pencils
- Glow bracelets
- Allergy medication
- Excedrin
- Ibuprofen
- Chap Stick
- Hydrocortisone cream
- Vaseline
- Dried fruit
- Baked beans
- Granola bars
- Instant oatmeal
- Can veggies and meat (no pop-tops)
- Peanut butter
- Small candies
- Peroxide
- Rubbing alcohol
- Calamine lotion
- Bug spray
- Small Radio
- Clothes (sweatsuits are great- hard to grow out of for most people)
- Sports bra, socks, tennis shoes
- Mess kit
- Camping Utensils
- Portable shower
- Emergency blankets
- Umbrella
- Water purifier tablets
Don't forget to include your scriptures, copy of important documents, supply of Rx drugs, prepaid phone card, important phone numbers, small bills, games and toys for the kids.
You can store the kit in a back pack (get from a thrift store for just a few bucks), a suitcase with wheels, a clean garbage can with wheels