Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stake Conference with Elder Wilde

Last Sunday was Stake Conference and we were blessed to hear many wonderful talks. I'm just going to mention a few of the things that stuck out to me during this conference.

President Taylor

President Taylor talked about keeping the Sabbath Day holy.  He said that doing this would increase our faith. He asked to us re-evaluate how we spend the Sabbath- What message are we giving Heavenly Father by how we spend our Sabbath? He asked us to recommit to keeping the Sabbath holy.   (Click HERE to see the Sabbath Day plan Kathy gave to us a few weeks ago.  Click HERE to see a list of Sabbath activities you can do as a family)

President Taylor said he felt a strong impression to emphasize the importance of attending our Church meetings, especially Sacrament. He shared quotes from the talk "On Being Genuine" by Dieter Uchtdorf. (Click HERE to read the talk)

President Uchtdorf: "We could even ask, why are we here at this meeting today?

I suppose if I were to answer that question on a superficial level, I could say that I’m here because President Monson assigned me to speak. So I really didn’t have a choice.

Besides that, my wife, whom I love very much, expects me to attend. And how can I say no to her?

But we all know there are better reasons for attending our meetings and living our lives as committed disciples of Jesus Christ.

I am here because I desire with all my heart to follow my Master, Jesus Christ. I yearn to do all that He asks of me in this great cause. I hunger to be edified by the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of God as He speaks through His ordained servants. I am here to become a better man, to be lifted by the inspiring examples of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and to learn how to more effectively minister to those in need.

In short, I am here because I love my Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ...

Whether your testimony is thriving and healthy or your activity in the Church more closely resembles a Potemkin village, the good news is that you can build on whatever strength you have. Here in the Church of Jesus Christ you can mature spiritually and draw closer to the Savior by applying gospel principles day by day.

With patience and persistence, even the smallest act of discipleship or the tiniest ember of belief can become a blazing bonfire of a consecrated life. In fact, that’s how most bonfires begin—as a simple spark.

So if you feel small and weak, please simply come unto Christ, who makes weak things strong. The weakest among us, through God’s grace, can become spiritually strong, because God “is no respecter of persons.” He is our “faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments.”

The Church is not an automobile showroom—a place to put ourselves on display so that others can admire our spirituality, capacity, or prosperity. It is more like a service center, where vehicles in need of repair come for maintenance and rehabilitation.

And are we not, all of us, in need of repair, maintenance, and rehabilitation?

We come to church not to hide our problems but to heal them...

Remember.., “God resist[s] the proud, but give[s] grace unto the humble.”

The greatest, most capable, most accomplished man who ever walked this earth was also the most humble. He performed some of His most impressive service in private moments, with only a few observers, whom He asked to “tell no man” what He had done. When someone called Him “good,” He quickly deflected the compliment, insisting that only God is truly good. Clearly the praise of the world meant nothing to Him; His single purpose was to serve His Father and “do always those things that please him.” We would do well to follow the example of our Master."

President Taylor said there is no better way to repair our lives than to partake of the Sacrament. We are all in need of the atonement. Through the atonement we can be repaired, maintained and rehabilitated. We should all feel safe, protected, welcomed and even needed at church.   We come to church to work together on repairing our automobiles, not to show off. 

President Taylor than gave us a new challenge which is to invite an inactive member or non-member friend to come to church with us and feel the spirit. 

Elder and Sister Frandsen

Sister Frandsen said that everyone needs 3 things- a friend, a responsibility, and to be nurtured by the good word of God.  Ask  yourself each week- who can I reach out to this week? 

Ephesians 2:19  Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God

Treat all those coming to church as fellow citizens. Each day find someone to help, smile at, talk to, or invite over.  We are instruments in His hands.

Elder Frandsen spoke about "Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You!" a talk given by Elder Russell M. Nelson (click HERE to see the talk)

He encouraged us to turn to the missionaries for help more often. He said the missionaries can help us with the new challenge given us by President Taylor (to invite someone to church). 

"Can you imagine if all of us did the invitation from President Taylor?!" he asked, "This is what moves the work along!"

This is truly Satan's day.  2 Peter 3:3-4...there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise. He is long suffering towards us, calling people to repentance- this is why He delays His coming.

Elder Wilde

Jesus Christ exemplified sacrificing personal time to do the work of his father.  He also gave credit to his father for everything he did.

Elder Wilde's wife was a convert to the church as a teenager.  She had no support from her family- she attended church alone. It probably would have been hard for her to sit alone in Sacrament. Fortunately for her, a kind lady, Sister Guthrie, age 45, befriended her and sat by her each week. Elder Wilde will always feel grateful to this dear lady for befriending his wife and making church attendance a bit less lonely.  "We can not lose any of Heavenly Father's sheep!"
His wife is now a natural missionary. She decided she wanted to put pass along cards at the entrance of their home.  She bought a special rack to hold these cards so that when people come over they can take one. One day some furniture was being delivered to their home.  The delivery man took a pass along card and asked Elder Wilde, "Why should I investigate your church?"  Brother Wilde answered simply, "It's true!"

Many people don't want to share due to fear that they will lose their friendships. Elder Wilde then shared an experience where he shared the gospel with a friend. This friend was the mother of a convert named Cindy, and they were hoping she might also join the church, but she did not. He then went on to say, "Never had I shared the gospel with anyone where my friendship did not improve!"  Cindy's mom did not join, but remained friends with Elder Wilde's family. She once told him that whenever she has a bad day, she drives to their house and sits in front of their house because she remembers the good feelings she felt in his home (the spirit)!  Elder Wilde then asked us to invite our neighbors to our home to listen to the missionaries. We may not realize the spirit in our homes because we are so used to it, but others can feel it.

"If you are like me, you make mistakes."  We travel through a lot of "filth" during the week, and some of it splashes up on us.  Each week we can repent and take the Sacrament, becoming clean again. Pay attention to the Sacrament prayer next time you hear it- be willing to take His name upon you, always remember Him, and keep His commandments. We can be washed clean!

What are some barriers to getting close to the Savior?  Transgression and not forgiving others. We can be washed clean each week by repentance and partaking of the sacrament when we transgress. We need to remember to forgive others though. He told the story of a man he knew who held onto a grudge for 17 years.  This man had asked the Elders quorum to help him move 17 years previous, and he thought one of them stole his favorite trash can, and he held onto this silly grudge all this time.  Don't allow a lack of forgiveness to be a barrier between us and the atonement. Don't let grudges fester. When Nephi's brothers sinned against him, he frankly forgave them (1 Nephi 7:21), and then in the next chapter was able to behold a vision from God. If we don't forgive, it can be a barrier to our progression, and we can be denied spiritual experiences.

Jesus Christ has the power to transform us all. Elder Wilde met a lady on his mission who was an alcoholic, living in disgusting conditions. Just opening the door brought a stench so terrible it made their eyes water. The missionaries just prayed with her and left. They didn't expect this lady to ever change- she seemed too far gone. Later in his misison, he felt prompted to go over and visit her again. She was sober and crying.  A few days earlier she had injured herself while drunk and decided she needed a change. He gave her a blessing. He saw her at a stake conference a while after this and she was transformed. She had joined the church, and seemed a whole new person.  The Saviors power to transform is greater than any mistake, greater than any sin!